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A look at some of the people we have helped

In 2012, Steven was involved in a devastating car accident. He sustained a severe traumatic brain injury and has endured several brain surgeries and years of physical and occupational therapy. Steven has made tremendous strides towards recovery, but has no functional use of his left hand. He was in need of a Bioness H200 Wireless Hand Rehabilitation System.
"Nothing is Impossible
Foundation stepped in at a time when we felt
desperate for help and exhausted from hearing ‘I’m
sorry we can’t help’, and seeing the infamous
insurance denied stamp. Their generous financial
support restored hope, sending a welcome reminder
of ‘you are not alone!’. Seeing Steven’s smile when his Bioness Arm System arrived
promoted healing in each of our hearts. We are forever thankful!"
-Norma Myers, Steven's mother
Since Steven’s accident, he has made a miraculous recovery. He is employed by Lowe’s,
pursuing a Human Services Degree and enjoys hiking. He has a “never give up” attitude
and is an inspiration to everyone that has the privilege of meeting him.

In 2016, John and Donna lost their daughter, Dina, after a long battle with stomach cancer. Nothing is Impossible helped the family pay for Dina’s funeral, after expenses from the illness were so expensive and took much of their savings.
This September, John and Donna gave back to Nothing Is Impossible by hosting a very successful golf outing in Dina’s memory. They donated the proceeds of the event to Nothing Is Impossible.
“Our Daughter was so giving always; she had little but gave so much. To raise the amount of money that we did to help others, and have our Dina's name attached, is so wonderful. This Foundation was there for us and we now are there for them”.
~Donna Arrigo, Dina’s Mother

“I was diagnosed in August 2016 with primary progressive MS and have experienced tremendous difficulty in walking resulting in tripping and falling. This resulted in the immediate medical necessity for the WalkAide system, in order to maintain employment. What I have found is that I do not ‘fit in’ with traditional financial assistance due to working and having some income.”
- Dawn Pike
Nothing Is Impossible stepped in to help fund Dawn’s WalkAide so
that she is now able to maintain her employment and her dream of walking on the beach.
Nothing Is Impossible would like to send a big, warm, and heartfelt thank you to John and Donna!

“Thank you so much to your entire organization for helping me pay for my motorized wheelchair. Your generosity alleviated so much stress for me! I apologize for taking so long to write this thank you note. Multiple sclerosis causes many obstacles for me but people like you make life a little easier.
Thank you again.”.
~Diana Schott
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